Chicago Tonight: Latino Voices, April 22, 2023 – Full Show
Eleven men wrongfully convicted of murder seek justice. Woodlawn residents step up to help their new neighbors. And celebrating Cinco de Mayo with two festivals…
Líderes Latinos Instan al Alcalde Electo Brandon Johnson a ‘Mejorar el Bienestar de los Latinos’
Lawndale News Chicago’s Bilingual Newspaper – Local NewsDespués de más de una semana de que Chicago eligió su próximo alcalde, Illinois Latino Agenda (ILA) no pierde tiempo en pedir al Alcalde electo, Brandon Johnson…
Latino Leaders Urge Mayor-Elect Brandon Johnson to ‘Enhance Wellbeing of Latinos’
After more than a week of Chicago electing its next mayor, the Illinois Latino Agenda (ILA) is wasting no time in urging Mayor-elect Brandon Johnson to prioritize the issues impacting Latino residents across the city…
‘Don’t forget us’: Latino community wants place at Brandon Johnson’s agenda table
Latino community leaders are reaching out to Mayor-Elect Brandon Johnson for reassurances that their interests will be among his high priorities as he takes office…
Raul Raymundo and Sylvia Puente: We are ready to partner with the new mayor to keep Chicago a sanctuary city
Nonprofit organizations and volunteers have been stretched thin, working at the front lines to help more than 5,000 newly arrived migrants…
Latino Voters Overlooked by Campaigns Could Swing Mayoral Election
Latino voters could be the crucial swing vote that decides who will be Chicago’s next mayor, but according to a recent poll, many Latinos said they haven’t heard from either of the candidates ahead of Tuesday’s runoff election…